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Unhealthy Dog Poop Chart: 7 Color Meanings And More

Key Takeaways

  • Abnormal colors of dog poop may indicate underlying health issues. If the dog poop is not firm and dark chocolate-like in color, it may indicate an underlying health issue.
  • Look for accompanying symptoms. It is important to look for accompanying symptoms when checking a dog’s poop to determine what the underlying health issue may be.
  • Some issues with your dog’s health can be resolved through dietary changes. Depending on what issue your dog has according to this unhealthy dog poop chart, it may be resolved by increasing a dog’s water intake or introducing softer food to their diet.

I make it a point to keep an eye on your dog’s poop to determine their health condition. It may not be the most pleasant task, but a dog’s poop can provide valuable information about their wellbeing. Most healthy dog poop should be a firm, solid, and brown color. By referring to this unhealthy dog poop chart, you can learn how to recognize what is and isn’t normal, so it’s important to be familiar with it.

A shift in dog poop color and texture can often be traced back to changes in diet, environment, or overall health. For example, if you’ve recently transitioned to a raw food diet for your dog, you may observe differences in the color and texture of their poop. However, if the unusual characteristics persist or at any point align with anything detailed in this unhealthy dog poop chart, it’s advisable to take your furry friend to the vet promptly.

Though managing dog poop may not be the most exciting part of your day, it’s essential to realize that the state of your dog’s feces is a sign of their internal health. Keep an eye out for any changes in your dog’s poop, and if you observe any abnormalities, refer to the healthy poop chart for dogs. Keep in mind that one instance of unhealthy feces does not always necessitate a visit to the vet, but if it persists for over 48 hours, it’s recommended that you schedule an appointment with your vet. As responsible dog owners, it’s crucial to be attentive to our pets’ poop to ensure their health and happiness.

If Your Dog Has Soft Stool

If your dog is experiencing soft stool, there’s usually no cause for alarm. That is unless your dog appears to be in pain, in which case it could be symptomatic of some other problem. But in most cases, this could be a result of changing your dog’s diet, but it’s often temporary until your pup adjusts to the new food. However, I’d caution against being too complacent about this condition. Persistent soft stool when your dog’s poop was well-formed in the past could be indicative of a health issue. But it’s also possible that certain ingredients in the new food caused this condition to become permanent.

In general, however, your dog’s poop should be formed, firm enough to be picked up easily, but not hard or dry. Stools that are too soft or watery may indicate problems like intestinal worms, bacterial or viral infections, pancreatitis, foreign body obstruction, inflammation, or food allergies. If stool softness persists, it’s best to consult with a vet. Tracking the softness of dog poop with a “poo consistency” chart can also help you determine whether things are improving.

If Your Dog Has Liquid Stool

On the other hand, if your dog is experiencing liquid dog poop or diarrhea, it may be more severe than just soft stool. Diarrhea could be a sign of stress or a reaction to a new type of dog food. If you suspect the latter, try mixing the new food with the old gradually to help ease the transition. If the problem persists, it may be a sign of a different and more serious condition. Note that if the diarrhea is accompanied by other symptoms such as green or orange-colored stool, this could be a cause for concern.

In the worst-case scenario, your dog may have ingested something they shouldn’t have, such as excess chicken fat or unclean water. Liquid stool can also be a sign of infection, so it’s a good idea to take your dog to the vet if you see them experiencing this symptom and have ruled out other possibilities. To help you keep track of your dog’s bowel movements, it’s useful to refer to a healthy dog poop chart. If you have a puppy, you may want to create a puppy poop chart of your own to cross-check against this one, as puppies’ bowel movements can vary on a case to case basis. As responsible dog owners, we should always keep an eye on our dog’s poop, as it can provide valuable insight into their overall health and well-being.

If Your Dog’s Stool Has an Abnormal Color

If your dog’s stool has an abnormal color, it could be a sign of a severe issue, like a parasite or other disease. A healthy dog poop should be firm with a dark chocolate-like color. Any other abnormal color may indicate an underlying problem. When checking dog poop, always remember to look for other symptoms to get a clear idea of what may be wrong. And though it may be disgusting, it would help to make your own healthy dog poop chart with visual aids to check the color of your dog poop against these known abnormal colors.

Black or Red

Black or red stool often go together as both signify bleeding problems such as internal bleeding if you see there’s blood in the stool. At the same time, black or maroon-colored feces indicates that blood was ingested somehow and can mean your dog has a bleeding ulcer or a bleeding gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes bloody dog poop may even have a purple tint, but be advised that purple dog poop is entirely different from black or red poop. If you see a black or red color that may be tinted purple, immediately take your dog to the vet.


White dog poop can be a sign of too much calcium in your pup’s diet, and a raw food diet can sometimes cause this. To remedy the situation, try switching your dog’s diet to a more balanced one. It’s essential to note that white feces, especially when accompanied by diarrhea mixed with other abnormalities such as orange or green poop, can indicate a more severe issue.


Grey dog poop usually means there is a pancreatic or maldigestion problem, and you should take your pup to the vet immediately. Grey dog poop is also typically greasy. However, be aware that grey could also mean the same thing as white feces, so be sure it isn’t related to your pup’s diet.


If a dog’s poop is green, it means your dog may have eaten eating grass a lot. If the green poop continues to be a problem, then it may be a more severe issue like a parasite called giardia which your dog may have gotten from the local creek or even a puddle[1]. The stool will then be green diarrhea. If it turns out it is indeed the giardia, then your dog will be a carrier for life. Another problem may be an internal issue like poisoning. Take your dog to the vet if its condition doesn’t improve. 


Diarrhea usually accompanies orange stool. If it persists, it often signifies a biliary disease or liver issue. However, there are generally other signs that accompany severe problems, so be sure to look for anything else that can indicate what the problem is. For example, if you see that your dog is also vomiting, thirsty, has bloody stool, or jaundice, it may be a good indicator that your dog is suffering from liver-related issues.


Yellow dog poop on its own can represent multiple things like a different diet or a parasite called coccidia. When a dog poops yellow, it can also be a sign of liver, gallbladder, pancreatic problems, or infections, so keep a close eye on your dog’s behavior and see if the problem continues. If your dog looks like it’s in pain, then it may be severe. Always be sure you can recognize other symptoms that your dog is exhibiting to be on the lookout for what exactly is causing the problem.


Purple feces may mean your dog got into something they shouldn’t have, like purple frosting or grape jelly. It could also be a serious sign of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, and you should call your vet immediately if the problem continues. Also, be aware that a dark purple stool can signify that blood is mixed in with the pup’s poop in some cases, so be sure you pay close attention to your dog as any serious condition would likely be evident in their behavior. Usually, if it is indeed blood-related, the color would be a darker purple, almost black.

If Your Dog Has Hard Pebble-like Stool

Hard and pebbled stool often signals constipation, which can leave your dog feeling very uncomfortable. If your dog eats too much dry food, this can take moisture away from their bodies. A simple solution would be to give them more water or to introduce softer food to their diet. Another reason may be that the dog isn’t getting enough exercise, so be sure to let them run around a lot in your doggy-fenced yard. Too much calcium can also contribute to stool hardening. If your dog’s constipation doesn’t go away, then it may be a good idea to take them to the vet to see if there is some kind of blockage.

If Your Dog Has Large Amounts of Stool

Dog preparing to poop in a forest.

Dog feces usually aren’t long or come in big amounts, so if you see your dog passing an excess amount of long poop, know that it is not a serious issue. Long poop means that your dog has eaten a large amount of fiber. Just like when we eat fiber, we pass more poop than usual. The same goes for your pup. If this is a concern for you, then try switching your dog’s diet. Although, be aware that the only time this may become a serious issue is if they’re not getting enough water in their diet. This is one of the few cases where an issue for us is also the same for your dog, so you should be able to handle this problem on your own.

If Your Dog Has Worms in Its Stool

Always check your dog’s feces for any worms. Worms are usually easy to spot and either come across as long stringy-like areas in the feces or if your dog’s feces look like there’s rice mixed in with the poop. Worms can come from many kinds of places, so start immediately giving your dog’s worm medication to help resolve this issue. To help prevent worms, make sure your dog isn’t eating anything that they shouldn’t, like grass, dead animals, or other creatures’ poop, as worm eggs tend to travel the most in these ways.

If Your Dog’s Stool is Extra Smelly

Although all dog poop has an odor, some can be worse than others. This is usually not a serious issue, and once again, a dog’s diet can be the cause. If your dog is not used to digesting food with lots of grain and starches, it may pass through completely undigested and result in extra smelly poop. A raw diet can be a good alternative to try, but be cautious as too much raw food can have its own effects on stool consistency.

If Your Dog’s Stool Contains Mucus

Person cleaning up dog poo.

If you notice that your dog’s poop is covered in mucus, it may signify an inflamed gut or colon. Other symptoms may include parasites. Wait a few days and observe your dog’s bowel movements before taking them to the vet. This condition may be able to improve on its own, but it’s important to keep an eye on your dog’s health.

Dog owners should also consider getting proper dog insurance to keep their wallet safe in case of more serious health issues. Understanding what’s causing your dog’s fecal symptoms is crucial in providing proper care. Wait a day or two to see if your dog’s condition improves, but if the problem persists, it may be serious. Always call your vet if you feel like something is wrong with your dog, and don’t forget to take a sample of their poop to show the vet for proper diagnosis.


What does unhealthy dog poop look like?

Unhealthy poop comes in various forms like diarrhea or odd colors. It’s important to pay attention to your dog’s poop, as it can give you insight into their overall health. Normal poop should be firm and brown in color. If you happen to notice your dog’s poop is an unhealthy color or consistency, call your vet immediately, and don’t forget to take a sample of the poop so the vet can properly diagnose your dog. If your dog’s poop continues to look abnormal, whether by color, consistency, or both, it may be serious. Let your dog pass at least 2-3 times before deciding what to do.

When should I be concerned about my dog’s poop?

You should be concerned if your dog’s poop has blood in it or if it comes out as any abnormal color like yellow or black. In some cases, a dog’s colored poop is not as serious. For example, it could just be their diet, but you must always keep an eye on it, and if the problem doesn’t change and they seem to have other symptoms, then it’s a good idea to take them to the vet. Other symptoms to watch out for include vomiting, lethargy, and loss of appetite. These can all be signs of a more serious underlying issue. It may help to create your own healthy dog poop chart to cross-check against this one. Puppies are also more susceptible to illness than adults, so you’re best advised to make a puppy poop chart for them as well.

Why is my dog’s poop soft?

Soft stool often means your dog ate something that didn’t agree with them. This usually isn’t too serious. The best plan of action to firm up dog poop, if it is a diet issue, is to gradually introduce your dog’s new food to the old stuff. But, again, this shouldn’t be a serious issue on its own, so if your dog’s condition doesn’t improve, check to see their behavior for any signs that this might end up being serious.

Why is my dog’s poop yellow and slimy?

Yellow slimy poop is often a sign of a serious condition. Normal yellow poop can sometimes be a diet-related issue, but diarrhea or liquid yellow poop can mean something more serious like liver disease. If your dog passes this kind of poop, call your vet immediately. Other symptoms to watch out for include abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and vomiting.

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